Dividend Income Report: September 2022

I hope you had a good September (it was certainly a month to remember for those in Florida) and that summer wound down well for you. Here in the Pacific…

Dividend Income Report: August 2022

With August over, summer is rapidly winding down. Here in the Pacific Northwest the mornings are cooler, the sun is setting earlier, and the days are becoming merely "very warm"…

Dividend Income Report: July 2022

I hope you had a good Independence Day last month. I spent the holiday with my in-laws and had a good time. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we were hit…

Dividend Income Report: June 2022

Well, we're well into summer and so far it's looking good. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we've had only a few days that were real scorchers, but July has been…

Dividend Income Report: May 2022

I love the end of May. The wet and cloudy days recede as the sunny days of June become more frequent with summer rapidly approaching. Regarding the stock market, May…

Dividend Income Report: April 2022

Ah, April. Here in the Pacific Northwest, spring is full swing and the cold, grey, wet days of winter give way to more frequent days of warming, sunny, and dryer…

Dividend Income Report: March 2022

With February done, March is now here and spring is in the air. Here in the Pacific Northwest the weather has warmed a bit and other than a few sunny…

Dividend Income Report: February 2022

I hope February was a good month for you and you had a great Valentine's Day. For me personally, the month was good but nothing much of note occurred. Regarding…

Dividend Income Report: January 2022

Well, January is over and while the weather here in the Pacific Northwest is still gripped by winter, the days are steadily getting longer and this month has seen some…

Dividend Income Report: December 2021

I hope y'all had a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here in the Pacific Northwest, Christmas day and the days afterward brought a bit of snow to the…