Dividend Income Report: January 2024

I hope you had a great New Year's Day and that January was a good month for you. Here in the Pacific Northwest, it's been a largely cloudy and rainy…

Dividend Income Report: September 2023

(Sorry for being late to post again, but I just didn't feel the urge for most of this month.) Well, summer is definitely over and autumn is in full swing.…

Dividend Income Report: August 2023

August is over and for the most part, so is summer. Here in the Pacific Northwest, August saw a week long heat wave with 100°+ F temperatures. Once the heat…

Dividend Income Report: January 2023

Wow, one twelfth of the year is already gone. If you have any New Years resolutions, you better get cracking! Here in the Pacific Northwest, we had a particularly cold…

Dividend Income Report: May 2022

I love the end of May. The wet and cloudy days recede as the sunny days of June become more frequent with summer rapidly approaching. Regarding the stock market, May…

Dividend Income Report: January 2022

Well, January is over and while the weather here in the Pacific Northwest is still gripped by winter, the days are steadily getting longer and this month has seen some…

Dividend Income Report: January 2021

Well, 1/12th of the new year is already done and in the books. The market has certainly stayed quite bullish, continuing its upward trend unabated. Are we in a bubble?…

My Latest Stock Buys: CODI, CLM, FGB

In the past two weeks I have made three stock buys, which is a bit more than the usual month's 1-2 buys. But I saved my pennies since my last…