Dividend Income Report: November 2021

Well, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with family and/or friends. It was a good Thanksgiving for me, spending the holiday with in-laws. As for the stock market, November…

Dividend Income Report: October 2021

The passing of October means we're well into autumn and the holiday season is now ramping up. Regarding the economy, I suspect inflation and supply chain issues will be on…

Dividend Income Report: September 2021

With September over, we're now into autumn and the new school year. It's been an interesting month, as we took in a second stray rabbit. If somebody had told me…

Dividend Income Report: August 2021

Well, August is done and the summer is slowly winding down. Not much of note happened for me in August, so there's nothing to really say. The market has been…

Dividend Income Report: July 2021

Hope you're having a great summer. While the serious heat wave we had in June has passed, here in the Pacific Northwest it has been unusually warm, with scarcely any…

Dividend Income Report: June 2021

I hope you had a great Independence Day celebration. Here in the Pacific Northwest, after a blistering heat wave near the end of June, temperatures returned to some degree of…

Passive Income is My Superpower

"Yeah, I know, you can do all these amazing things and sometimes you feel like you will just go bust unless you can tell people about them." – Jonathan Kent,…

Dividend Income Report: May 2021

Well, May is finished and it proved to be a busy month for me. I went with my wife and father-in-law to spend a week in Florida, visiting family there.…

Dividend Income Report: April 2021

Here in the Pacific Northwest, spring is in full swing. Trees have finished blossoming and the leaves are out. Within a two week span, my Japanese maple tree went from…

Dividend Income Report: March 2021

Spring is here! Despite some freezing mornings and dreary days here in the Pacific Northwest, spring is tentatively advancing and winter is receding. Regarding the stock market, it has shown…