You are currently viewing Dividend Income Report: March 2024

March, one quarter of the year, is now done. For me, it was an interesting month as my wife left to spend two weeks in China (AKA West Taiwan) with family while I opted to stay home. I had many items for my to-do list while she was gone, but only accomplished a few (either due to weather or procrastination). As for the weather here in the Pacific Northwest, spring is certainly here as trees are blossoming and the month saw nearly a solid a week of sunshine. Yay! March’s stock market performance was okay, with the month ending nearly 800 points higher than when it started.

Let’s get the show on the road and do the dividend numbers for March…

ARR $26.40
AWP $44.80
CIK $22.50
CLM $65.16
DHY $27.13
EDF $18.00
EHI $26.80
EXG $38.71
NCV $23.80
PFN $32.31
ZTR $15.00
TOTAL $340.61

* Includes Return of Capital

Eh, $340.61 is okay but certainly isn’t anything to brag about, as it simply shows that my downward trend of declining dividend income continues.

As for the month, there’s not much to really report. Again, I sold off shares of EXG in March. I sold 100 shares at $8.04/share, and did it again a couple weeks later, selling 100 shares at $8.04/share. I am happy to report that I sold off all 13,500 shares of VDRM at 1.35 cents per share ($182.25). Nice! Now all I need to do is place a limit order to buy VDRM again at 1 cent per share. Considering how I started this little experiment in penny stock investing last July with only $60, I’m doing rather well.

Other than the profitable VDRM sell-off, March was an overall unremarkable month.

Image Credit: jarmoluk (