Well, November is done and the holiday season is in full swing as we count down to Christmas. I hope everybody had a happy Thanksgiving last month and your dividend portfolio was kind to you despite the volatility that’s been roiling the market for the past couple months. As how the volatility has impacted me, my dividend investing portfolio has dropped nearly 10% since the volatility started in early October. Despite the change in my portfolio’s value, the dividends just kept rolling in.
Speaking of dividends, let’s do the numbers and see how November turned out:
AWP $ 55.00
BGY $ 33.80
CHW $ 21.00*
CIK $ 22.50*
CLM $ 47.30*
DHY $ 35.00
DMF $ 10.50
DSM $ 19.25
EAD $ 9.76
EDF $ 45.00*
EHI $ 24.40
EXG $114.00*
NCV $ 45.50
OHI $148.50
OIA $ 4.10
PFN $ 36.00
RA $ 69.85
VFL $ 15.00
ZTR $ 33.90
TOTAL $790.36
* Includes Return of Capital
Hmmmm. Not too good, but not that bad either. Thanks to FGB not paying out, November was $148.75 less than expected so that was slightly disappointing (FGB’s payout will arrive in early December, so that will give the month a boost).
Overall, November was an uneventful month despite the market’s general volatility. There were no dividend cuts or raises, and every stock’s dividend payout arrived on time except for FGB. I regard November as a solid, if unremarkable, month.
Image Credit: jarmoluk (pixabay.com)