You are currently viewing Dividend Income Report for July 2014

As surely as night follows day, so too does another month for me end with dividend income rolling in like clockwork.

How was July? Pretty good. I made only one stock purchase early in the month (PFN), and my capital matching contribution ($555.00) almost matched the previous month’s dividend income ($593.83). I was granted 29 shares of my employer’s stock which I promptly sold, so that was a welcome boost to my cash reserve.

Here are July’s dividend payouts:
CFP    $ 77.30*
CIK    $ 23.50*
DHY    $ 42.00
DMF    $ 10.50
DSM    $ 26.13
EXG    $121.95*
HTR    $ 28.50
NCV    $ 63.00
OIA    $  4.25
PFN    $ 30.00
TOTAL   $427.13
* Includes Return of Capital.

My monthly average has increased from $475.83 to $485.83 due to the purchase of an additional 125 shares of PFN in early July. My average daily (24-hours) income is now $15.97/day, average hourly income is 66.6 cents, and average minute income is 1.11 cents.

Like June, I’m ending the month with a decent cash reserve, so I’m locked and loaded for another stock purchase. My next capital contribution will also further boost my cash reserve. Overall, I am well poised to make another dividend stock purchase next month, which may be the final push to reaching my 2014 goal of average monthly dividend income of $500. If that happens, then my summer will certainly end on a high note.

Image Credit: jarmoluk (